TLS is founded on the belief that we do the greatest good when we teach the teacher. We know that people learn best by doing, so we designed our school so that our educators are exposed to multiple facets of education, providing irreplaceable teaching and facilitation time with hundreds of students each term.
The results are dedicated, passionate educators who:
  • prioritize relationships.
  • are well-equipped to navigate all parts of the learning process — the successes, failures, challenges, and triumphs.
  • have excellent classroom management skills.
  • leave The Leadership School prepared to join school communities as inspirational role models who positively affect all parts of school life — in and out of the classroom.
  • often have long careers in education, impervious to burnout experienced by so many teachers today.

Fellowship Calendar

The TLS Fellowship is a year-round position with responsibilities across four programs: outreach, residential, educator-in-residence, and Kieve and Wavus summer camps.

TLS Terms 
Fall Term (Residential & Outreach): September through November
Winter Term (Educator-in-Residence): December through mid-April
Spring Term (Residential & Outreach): mid-April through May

Camp Kieve & Wavus Camp 
Early June through mid-August

Fellowship Roles

Hosted at Kieve’s campus for a full day to a whole school week, educators facilitate experiential activities for students and their teachers to explore our EASEL and environmental stewardship curricula and world-class challenge course facilities.

The role of fellow includes some weeks as a “cabin educator,” leading a group overnight from 3 p.m. until the next morning at breakfast, as well as some weeks as a “classroom educator,” teaching our curriculum during the school day.

Hosted at a participating school’s classroom and indoor and outdoor spaces for a day to a whole week, educators facilitate experiential activities for students and their teachers to explore our EASEL and environmental stewardship curricula.

Educators serve at a local school for full-time support where it is needed most, including assisting in core curriculum and our experiential approach to social-emotional learning (EASEL) instruction, mentoring, and extracurricular programming. The program expands each school’s capacity to teach and enables more students to receive essential individualized support.

Kieve & Wavus
Educators often take on leadership roles at Camp Kieve and Wavus Camp, ranging from leading wilderness trips to acting as an assistant director. An educator’s summer role is dependent upon their experience and the needs of camp.

Teacher Certification Program

KWE has partnered with the University of Southern Maine to address statewide teacher shortages by lowering the barrier of entry for our next generation of young, talented educators to become professionally certified Maine public school teachers. In alignment with all Maine Department of Education Pathway II certification standards, all requisite coursework and student teaching — at least four courses and all student teaching credits through at least two years of The Leadership School’s educator-in-residence program — is paid for by KWE, allowing participants to matriculate from TLS with their certification and no corresponding debt.


  • a competitive entry-level independent school teacher salary
  • campus housing
  • meals when programs are in session
  • full benefits
  • the training, resources, and networking to move into their careers with confidence.