July 1, 2019 Second Monday

There is a magic at camp that takes time to settle into the heart. A camper’s transition from the familiarity of home and family to the boisterous cabin life of a dozen or so ‘sisters’ — with the hugs and the bickering — can be unnerving for some girls. Often after a few letters to parents sharing angst or sadness,

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June 24, 2019 First Monday

Wavus girls are a gift, and I thank you for sharing your daughters with us. This beautiful week has been full of sun, rain, dance parties, transition, challenge, and delight. Our oldest girls have headed out of camp and into the woods and waters of Maine to experience our longest trips and to discover reservoirs of strength, love and resilience

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Winter 2019 EIR Conclusion

Our Educator in Residence (EIRs) program has blossomed since the first seven educators were planted in six schools for eight weeks in 2013. More than two-thirds of our seasonal Leadership School educators embedded themselves in partner schools for 10 or more weeks this winter. Whether instructing formal academic contents or exploring with students in the fields and forests, our educators

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Medomak and Memorial EIRs 2019

Medomak’s Educator in Residence: Megan As a first year educator at The Leadership School, I was so excited to be assigned an EIR at Medomak Middle School. In one of my first weeks in the fall, one of Medomak Middle School’s 7th grade homerooms was the first class of students I ever taught. Finding out that I would be able

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Boothbay and Whitefield EIRs 2019

Boothbay’s Educator in Residence: Ella In my years as a student I have never seen an entire school of teachers so collectively invested in their students well being. The Boothbay staff are incredibly dedicated to their students. I was impressed and inspired by how passionate they are about their jobs. They are a team that use one another for support,

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Great Salt Bay and Jefferson EIRs 2019

Great Salt Bay’s Educator in Residence: Rachel Hello! Rachel Lannino here, reporting live from Great Salt Bay Community School in Damariscotta Maine. Although this is my second year with the Leadership School, this is my first winter participating in the EIR program. Last winter I took a hiatus from Kieve to work as a full-time kids’ ski school instructor, and

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Damariscotta Montessori and Searsport EIRs 2019

Damariscotta Montessori’s Educator in Residence: Ross The last seven weeks in my EIR position at Damariscotta Montessori have been a challenging but extraordinarily fun experience. My first year in the program proved that the kids at DMS are definitely closely intertwined with the programs and curriculum at Kieve, as many of the students have very fond memories of their time

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Loranger and St. George EIRs 2019

Loranger’s Educator in Residence: Sam M. We’re just over halfway through one of my favorite times of the year, the Educator in Residence Program. This is my third winter at Loranger Memorial School in Old Orchard Beach, and I truly can feel difference between  my first year to now. I feel like a celebrity when I walk through the halls.

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A Conversation with Ned Almy

Edward “Ned” P. Almy Kieve 1942-46; Kieve Parent 1967-68; Kieve Wavus Grandparent 1993-94 & 1996-2015 I first heard about Kieve from a neighbor, Bobby Nichols. Bobby Nichols, Ben Chapman and I were cabinmates and we kept in touch all our lives. To get to camp, I took a train from Boston, MA to Portland, ME in 90F degree heat and

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OUT and South Bristol EIRs 2019

OUT Maine’s Educator in Residence: Jess I’m three weeks into EIR, and what a great three weeks it’s been. My EIR placement is slightly unusual. Rather than teaching at a school, I’m spending ten weeks working on a project in conjunction with OUT Maine. By the end of the season, I’ll have written a “best-practices guide” to accommodating LGBTQ youth

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