While Kieve campus is relatively quiet this winter, 11 educators from The Leadership School (TLS) will embody the Kieve-Wavus mission and share their positive energy with 10 different schools. From January until March, the Educators in Residence (EIR) will work with school mentors to broaden and deepen the impact of the TLS residential experience. Together EIRs and their mentors have developed school-specific goals to support teachers and students in reinforcing the messages, learning style and relationships cultivated during residential Leadership School programs.
Each Educator has entered his or her school with an open mind and a set of goals and objectives shaped by the needs of the school community, the goals of the administration and the strengths of the educator. Their work plans are diverse and include school specific items such as: develop after-school play clubs, support healthy classroom behavior, provide professional development for staff and help students transition between various life stages. Their work plans share commonalities too: promote positive interactions amongst students, model inclusive behavior for students, model positive language and redirection for teachers, disseminate TLS messages and language across grade levels.
Ann Hassett, principal at Nobleboro Central School describes the benefit of having an EIR, “It would be hard to overestimate the impact this program has had on our students and our school community. Not only has the program been extremely popular with many of our students, it has been transformative for many of our students, and the entire community has benefitted from the support and perspectives of the Kieve educators.”
This winter marks the third year of the EIR program. The program has demonstrated multifaceted impacts on KW educators, partner schools and students. Kieve educators enjoy the meaningful experience of connecting with students and a school based mentor. Teachers, staff and school administrators continue to learn with Kieve educators in practicing experiential education techniques in their classrooms. Most importantly, students receive the benefit of having an additional trusted ally to support, encourage, and believe in them.
Over the next few months, Kieve’s Educator in Residents will document their journeys in this blog. Enjoy!