Category: Kieve Camp for Boys

Kieve – Ted Cooke

I came to the hilltop a shy, “husky” boy just a few days short of my 12th birthday with 17 armpit hairs and a busted up leg to my name. Knowing nothing and no one when I arrived, I walked to South Harris from my first meal at Pasquaney. While passing Innisfree, a man asked if I was Teddy Cooke.

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A ’47 Long Voyage Memory

A Long Voyage Memory                                                                  Tony Ryan, Kieve ’47, ‘48 I have a quibble with the identification of the photo on page 10 of the recent issue of K-W News. I attended Kieve in the years 1946 and 1947 and remember that at the time there were two series of overnight canoe trips during each camp summer. The first were more

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What you had to do for dinner back in the 50’s

A couple of Kieve stories and memories from William M. (Bill) Walker II (Kieve ’50 – ’56) My father, Shelby S. Walker, attended Kieve in its first year, 1926. Subsequently, he was responsible for introducing “Uncle Don” to his older sister, Harriet, and she married Uncle Don in 1929. But this is the story of my father travelling from Birmingham,

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Donald D. Kennedy Starts Realizing His Dream

In 1925, two years after graduating from Princeton, he was able to cobble together a little money to buy about 500 acres and 3 ½ miles of shoreline from several farm families and one defrocked Episcopalian minister who had exceeded his bounds as a missionary in Japan. In those days the land had remarkably little monetary value, but the farmers’

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Make the Most of your time at Kieve

Hello everyone, my name is Pierce Leonard. As some of you may already know this is my first summer here at Kieve. Many of you have been here for way longer. The fact of the matter is that your time spent at Kieve is irrelevant in order to understand and measure just how special of a place Kieve is. It

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To Strive in Emulation of…

Since the age of ten I’ve been traveling to Camp Kieve with an overarching goal of completing the final summer’s wilderness adventure. As a 16 year old I would backpack one hundred miles of the Appalachian Trail through the rugged wilderness of northern Maine ending at the summit of Mt. Katahdin. I would stand on top of this mighty, barren mountain,

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Kieve Boys Camp Chapel Talk

So many of you already know me, but for those of you who don’t, my name is Nick Stevens and I am a counselor in the JK Courage cabin this session. Unfortunately, I was unable to be at camp for the first part of the summer because I was working and taking classes. However, when Henry e-mailed me in July

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Hurrah! The 86th Summer of Kieve Wavus Camps Is Almost Here!

Kieve is getting ready for Maine summer camp season—are you? Nancy Kennedy, the wonderful new director of Wavus summer camp for girls, traveled with me from Maine to visit members of the Kieve-Wavus camp community this winter. We had a blast. We enjoyed it so much that we’re planning Spring Welcome to Summer Camp barbecues in a few cities, so

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