Month: July 2019

July 8, 2019 Third Monday

In Wilderness is the Preservation of the World — Henry David Thoreau As we head into our final week of camp, I hear the girls saying, “Can you believe it’s almost over?! It feels like we just got here.” This is true for the seven-year campers who cry every summer when they leave us and for the first year campers

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July 1, 2019 Second Monday

There is a magic at camp that takes time to settle into the heart. A camper’s transition from the familiarity of home and family to the boisterous cabin life of a dozen or so ‘sisters’ — with the hugs and the bickering — can be unnerving for some girls. Often after a few letters to parents sharing angst or sadness,

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June 24, 2019 First Monday

Wavus girls are a gift, and I thank you for sharing your daughters with us. This beautiful week has been full of sun, rain, dance parties, transition, challenge, and delight. Our oldest girls have headed out of camp and into the woods and waters of Maine to experience our longest trips and to discover reservoirs of strength, love and resilience

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