Month: February 2019

Loranger and St. George EIRs 2019

Loranger’s Educator in Residence: Sam M. We’re just over halfway through one of my favorite times of the year, the Educator in Residence Program. This is my third winter at Loranger Memorial School in Old Orchard Beach, and I truly can feel difference between  my first year to now. I feel like a celebrity when I walk through the halls.

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A Conversation with Ned Almy

Edward “Ned” P. Almy Kieve 1942-46; Kieve Parent 1967-68; Kieve Wavus Grandparent 1993-94 & 1996-2015 I first heard about Kieve from a neighbor, Bobby Nichols. Bobby Nichols, Ben Chapman and I were cabinmates and we kept in touch all our lives. To get to camp, I took a train from Boston, MA to Portland, ME in 90F degree heat and

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OUT and South Bristol EIRs 2019

OUT Maine’s Educator in Residence: Jess I’m three weeks into EIR, and what a great three weeks it’s been. My EIR placement is slightly unusual. Rather than teaching at a school, I’m spending ten weeks working on a project in conjunction with OUT Maine. By the end of the season, I’ll have written a “best-practices guide” to accommodating LGBTQ youth

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