Month: December 2016

Share Memories – Give Memories #loyaltyfund

Only 9 more days to give! We’ve had an amazing response so far, but we can still do more! We set out to break 150 unique gifts from Kieve-Wavus alumni, and with each memory shared and each friend tagged, we get closer and closer to our goal. We’ve got this, friends, so as you head home for the holidays, take

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Tis the season – Give your hearts out

The first “real” snow of the season has just fallen, and the end of West Neck Road and Wavus Point are looking gorgeous! The Leadership School’s 2016 programming is coming to an end and we’re reviewing applications for the next wave of Kieve-Wavus counselors. However, we’ve still got some work to do! We’ve set a pretty lofty goal of 150

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