Wilderness Trips
Wilderness trips are among the most important aspects of each camper’s Kieve experience. Every camper, no matter their age, will spend at least one night out in the woods away from camp with their cabin.
As a camper grows older and more able, his trips become more extensive and demanding. While the youngest boys are on their trip for only one or two nights, the older boys are away from camp for 13 to 22 days of canoeing or backpacking in the most remote and beautiful parts of Maine.
Wilderness trips offer campers the opportunity to develop a reverence for the wonders of nature. Each boy is encouraged to learn how to take care of himself and his equipment, to set and attain goals, and to have the fortitude and resilience to overcome challenges away from the comforts of home. All Kieve trips practice and teach the Leave No Trace Principles of Outdoor Ethics.
Kieve trips are designed so that the least-experienced boys do not feel unduly pushed, yet each camper can be proud of what he has accomplished. Most trips include both veteran campers and boys new to the experience, and this allows for a cooperative relationship that draws out the best from each member of the cabin. None of the trips require any particular wilderness tripping experience, and boys receive the necessary basic training before leaving camp. Then, as the trip progresses, each boy grows more capable and confident.
Ages and grades completed are provided as general guidelines. There will often be some variation to this progression.
Grade Completed
Cabin Name
Primer Trip Destination
Trip Type
Main Trip Destination
Trip Type
8 - 10

Ages and grades completed are provided as general guidelines. There will often be some variation to this progression.
Junior Kieve
South Glenayr
North Glenayr and North Townsend
South Bunkerhill, South Cunningham, and South Townsend
North Bunkerhill I & II, and North Cunningham
South Harris
North Harris and North Harrington
Bank I and II
Allagash I, II, and III
Long Voyage I, II, and III
Maine Trails I, II, and III
Blue pins are water based trips, green pins are land based trips.