The first “real” snow of the season has just fallen, and the end of West Neck Road and Wavus Point are looking gorgeous! The Leadership School’s 2016 programming is coming to an end and we’re reviewing applications for the next wave of Kieve-Wavus counselors. However, we’ve still got some work to do!
We’ve set a pretty lofty goal of 150 unique gifts from Kieve-Wavus alumni by the end of the year. That said, 2015 was a banner year, so why can’t 2016 blow it out of the water? You can donate any time HERE.
Did we mention that those donating $75 or more will receive a Loyalty Fund gift? Oh, they’re just stunning Kieve & Wavus winter hats, not a big deal at all…we digress…
A huge ‘thank you’ to all that came out for the Holiday Bar Crawl and donated last weekend! Check out all the fun in the Loyalty Fund Facebook group HERE.
We’ve got one more thing to ask of all of you. We want you to share a memory. We want you to hark as hard as you can back to your days as either a camper or counselor, and share it via Facebook or Instagram. At the end of your memory, tag a few friends to get them to share their memory, and so on.
Our memories are what we held dear during the school year between summers, and now they’re priceless. So, let’s share our memories, and give some amazing kids the opportunity to create their own.
Here’s a recap:
- Share a micromemory via Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #loyaltyfund
- They can be from your time as a camper or counselor and can be filmed wherever you please
- Tag two to three friends along with Kieve-Wavus and ask them to share their micromemory and donate!
- Wash, rinse, repeat & send kids to camp!
Happy Holidays,
Sam, Cory, Connor, Amaury, Emma & Margaret